Our Guests
Check out our Guest List from our Interviews here
Guest 1 - Graham Lelliott
Guest 2 - Pete Valdez
7th Deg Senior Professor
American Kenpo
Founder of The Dojo Valdez
WEBSITE: https://www.valdezdojo.net
Guest 3 - Richard 'Huk' Planas
10th Deg Senior Master
American Kenpo
Road Warrior / Planas Kenpo
New Orleans, USA
Guest 5 - Marty Zaninovich
9th Deg Master of the Arts
American Kenpo
Certified Instructor
Filipino Martial Arts
JunFan Gung Fu
Jeet Kune Do, Silat
Z's Martial Arts
California USA
Facebook : Marty Zaninovich
Guest 6 - Mohamad Tabatabai
10th Deg Grand Master
American Kenpo Karate JiuJitsu, California, USA
Website : https://americankenpojiujitsu.com/
Facebook : Momahad Tabatabai
Guest 7 - Rich Hale
9th Deg Master
American Kenpo Karate, California, USA
Ohana Kenpo Karate Association
Facebook: Rich Hale
Guest 8 - Ac Rainey
10th Deg Grand Master
Tiger and Dragon Asa Rainey Kenpo Karate , California, USA
Website : https://www.asaraineykenpokarate.com/
Facebook : Asa Raineys Kenpo Karate
Guest 9 - Brian Duffy
9th Deg Master
American Kenpo Federation, Austin Texas , USA
Amercian Kenpo Federation
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brian.duffy
Guest 10 - Frank Soto
9th Deg Master Frank Soto
Kinetic Dragon , Hermosillo, Mexico
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/frank.soto.1884787
Facebook Page 👍 https://www.facebook.com/masterfranksoto
Youtube: Kenpo and coffee Podcast
Instagram: @MasterFrankSoto
Youtube 👍https://www.youtube.com/@MasterFrankSoto
Twitter: @MasterFrankSoto
Guest 11 - Martin Wheeler
Systema Master - Matin Wheeler
Los Angeles California , USA
Wheeler Systema
Phone: (323) 401-5757
FaceBook : Martin Wheeler Systema
Twitter : @AcademyWheeler
Guest 12 - Lee Wedlake
10th Deg Senior Master Lee Wedlake
Progressive Kenpo Systems , Hermosillo, Mexico
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leewedlakekenpo
Video Training
Website: https://kenpotv.com/
Guest 13 - David Jimenez
GL Kenpo - David Jimenez
Fresno, California , USA
GL Kenpo
Contact Sensei Jimenez
Facebook: David Jimenez
Email: jimenez748 @ gmail.com
Guest 14 - Paul Dye
Paul Dyes Kenpo Karate
10th Deg Senior Master
Covina, California , USA
10th Deg Senior Master
Covina, California , USA
Contact Master Paul Dye
Facebook: Paul Dyes Kenpo Karate
Email: dyenamics53 @yahoo.com
Guest 15 - Shaun & Rebecca Knight
Knight Method Kenpo
Tuscon Arizona , USA
Contacts: Senior Professor Shaun & Rebecca Knight
Email: KnightMethodKenpo @ gmail.com
Studio Location : Eastside Tucson, Arizona, USA
160 S. Kolb Rd. Tucson, AZ 85710
Ph: +1 (520) 296-848
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Knight.Method.Kenpo
Website: https://www.knightmethodkenpo.com/
Guest 15 - Sifu Gary Swan
9th Deg Kenpo Master (Now 10th Deg senior Master)
Chinese Kenpo Karate Federation
San Antonio, Texas USA
Contact Sifu Gary Swan
Website: www.NCKKA.com
Guest 17 - Doreen DiRienzo
Revere Karate Academy
Revere Karate Academy, Revere , Massachusetts, United States
Contacts: Senior Master Doreen DiRienzo
Email: RKAInformation@Gmail.Com
Studio Location : 351 Revere St., Revere,
MA, United States, Massachusetts
+1 781-289-9535
Facebook: doreen.dirienzo
Face Book Page : Kenpo International
Guest 18 - Cecil Poeples
10th Deg Grand Master
Cecil Peoples Kenpo Karate
Los Angeles, California USA
Contact Sifu Cecil Peoples
Facebook: cpksensei
Guest 19 - Lance Soares
Soares' Martial Arts
Soares Martial Arts - Dartmouth, Massachusetts, United States
Contacts: Senior Professor Lance Soares
Studio Location : 331 State Road D, N. Dartmouth, MA USA 02747
Phone : +1.774.992.0797
Facebook: Soares Martial Arts
Website: https://lsfmac.com/
Memorial Guest 20 - Sigung Stephen Labounty
10th Deg Senior Master
Stephen Labounty's American Kenpo Karate
Tuscon, Arizona USA
Memorial Episode - RIP Sigung Labounty
Guest 21 - Tino Ceberano
Tino Ceberano Karate - Goju Kalis
Brisbane QLD Australia
Contacts: 10th Deg Hanshi Tino Ceberano
IGK Training Site: https://www.tinoceberano-igk.com.au/
Kindle Book Amazon
Website: https://www.tinoceberano.com.au/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tino.ceberano
Guest 22 Joe Rebelo (Kenpo Joe)
10th Deg Grand Master
Rebelo's Kenpo Karate
88 Hatch Street Suite #312
New Bedford, MA 02745. Phone +1 774-360-4116
Contact Mr Joe Rebelo
Instagram. https://instagram.com/kenpojoe_rebelo/
Website: https://www.kenpojoe.com
Twitter https://twitter.com/KENPOJOE_REBELO
Facebook: https://facebook.com/joe.rebelo.39
Email: mailto:kenpojoe@aol.com.
Youtube @KENPOJOE1. https://youtube.com/channel/UCwApVpADTK0RbbizjRMGc3Q
Guest 23 - John Ward
Ward International Kenpo -
American Kenpo
American Kenpo
9th Deg Master
Dublin Ireland
Contacts: 9th Deg Master John Ward
Email wardkenpo.jw@gmail. com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Prof.John.Ward
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ward-Kenpo-Schools-Ireland/192777610747272
Guest 24 - Ed Downey
10th Deg Senior Master
Celbridge Kenpo Karate Academy
Unit 6, The Mill
Main Street, Celbridge, Co. Kildare
PH: +353 1 627 0232
PH: +353 86 157 5525
Contact Mr Ed Downey
Website: www.kenpokarate.ie
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eddie.downey.520
Email: ed.downey@kenpokarate. ie
Guest 25 - Todd Durgan
Phasic Kombatives Integrated
Kent, Washington, USA
Contacts: 9th Deg Master Todd Durgan
Email legacykenpo@gmail. com
Website: https://kenpoguy.com/
Guest 26-Angelo Collado
9th Deg Kenpo Master
AC Concepts
Glendale Los Angeles, California, USA
PH: +1 (909)220-5588
Contact Mr Angelo Collado
Website: http://astasiakenpo.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/angelo.collado1
Email: collado.collado@gmail. com
Youtube Channel: @AngeloColladokenpo
Guest 27 - Sean Kelley
VIP Training Systems
Chinese Karate Federation
Chinese Karate Federation
West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
Contacts: 9th Deg Master Sean Kelley
Email seantcb@gmail.com
Website: https://www.seankelley.com/
Guest 28 - Dave Kovar
9th Deg Kenpo Master
Kovars Martial Arts
Sacramento - Natomas, California, USA
PH: +1 (916) 419-9878
Contact Mr Dave Kovar
Website: https://www.kovars.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kovars.satori/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@kovarsatori
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kovarssatori/
7 Locations inthe USA
Kovar Satori Martial arts
2063 Arena Blvd. #100
Sacramento, CA 95834
Guest 29 - Michelle Manu
Nā Koa (The Warriors) and Pā Lua O Manu
Los Angeles, California, USA
Contacts: 10th Deg Kumu Michelle Manu
Website: https://michellemanu.com/
Guest 30 - Larry Tatum
10th Deg Kenpo Senior Master
Larry Tatum Kenpo Karate Association
Prescott, Arizona, USA
Contact Master Larry Tatum
PH: +1 626 344 6853
Website: https://www.ltatum.com/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/larry.tatum.5623
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Larrytatumofficial
Guest 31 - Garry Ellis
10th Deg Senior Master
Gary Ellis Progressive Kenpo
Plymouth, England. UK
Contact Mr Garry Ellis
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/garyelliskenpokarate
Youtube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/@garyellis9090
Guest 32 - John Sepulveda
10th Deg Kenpo Senior Master
American Kenpo Training Systems
Boise, Idaho, USA
Contact Master John Sepulveda
Website: www.akts-js.us
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/AdvancedKenpoTrainingSystem.LLC
Guest 33 - Joe & Russell Palanzo
10th Deg Senior Master 6th Deg Professor
Worldwide Kenpo Karate Association
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Contact Mr Russell Palanzo
Website: https://www.wkka.org/
Website: https://kenpoplus.com/
Website: https://www.kenpotrust.com/
Guest 34 -Dennis Conatser
10th Deg Kenpo Senior Master
International Kenpo Karate Organization
Phoenix, Arizona
Contact Master Denis Conatser
Guest 35 - Mike Pick
10th Deg Grand Master
Universal Kenpo Federation
Washington, USA
Contact Mr Mike Pick
Facebook : Universal Kenpo Federation
Website : https://www.ukfwcrtc.com/
Guest 36 - Dave Thompson
9th Deg Kenpo Master
TCB Kenpo
Rancho, Cucamonga CA, USA
Contact Master Dave Thompson
Email: tcbkenpo @msn.com
Facebook: Dave Thompson
Guest 37 - Rainer Schulte
10th Deg Senior Master
Chinese Karate Federation (CKF)
Florida, USA
Contact Mr Rainer Schulte
Facebook : Rainer Schulte
Guest 38 - Kevin Mills
9th Deg Kenpo Master
British Kenpo Karate Union (BKKU)
Exeter, Devon, UK, England
Contact Master Kevin Mills
BKKU Facebook: BKKU
Facebook: Kevin Mills
Guest 39 - Ingmar Johansson
7th Deg Senior Professor
Kenpo Sweden (Road Warrior Lineage)
Norkopping, Sweden
Contact Mr Ingmar Johansson
Kenpo Self-defense Studio Norrköping
Tunnbindaregatan 8, 2 tr, 60221 /
Norrköping – Sweden
Telephone: +46 705 107 371
E-mail: ingmar@kenpo.se
Website: www.kenpo.se
Guest 40- Merv Ormand
8th Deg Kenpo Associate Master
Infinity Kenpo Concepts
Exeter, Devon, UK, England
Contact Mr Merv Ormand
Facebook: Merv Ormand
Guest 41 - Jamie Seabrook
9th Deg Master
Seabrook Martial Arts Academy
London Ontario Canada
Phasic Combatives Canada
Contact Mr Jamie Seabrook
E-mail: jseabro2 @uwo.ca
Guest 42- Marcus Buonfiglio
9th Deg Kenpo Master
Amercian Kenpo Fighting Systems
Texas, USA
Contact Mr Marcus Buonfiglio
Facebook: Marcus Buonfiglio
Guest 43 - Max Bychkov
7th Deg Senior Professor
Fusion Martial Arts
Instructor: Mr. Max Bychkov
Address: Baltimore, MD 21048 – USA
Telephone: +1-443-255-9392
E-mail: arshaveli1@comcast.net
Facebook: Max Bychkov
Guest 44- Jocely Gonzalez
Life Coach
Florida, USA
Contact Jocely Gonzalez
life coaching, leadership, or martial arts
Email: lifecoachjocely@ gmail.com
Instagram: @lifecoachjocely
Facebook: Jocely Gonzalez, FL, USA
Website: www.jocelyscorner.com
Guest 45 - Wes Idol
8th Deg Assoc Master
United Kenpo Systems
Instructor: Mr. Wes Idol
Address: Los Angles USA
E-mail: w@idol. la
Website: https://bryanhawkinskenpo.com/
Facebook: Wes Idol