Podcast Episodes 1 to 5

This where you will find all our latest  Mind Sensei Podcast episodes

 Episode 0

Episode 0 - Intro Episode

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Episode 1

Episode 1 - 9th Deg Master Graham Lelliott

GL Kenpo Karate, Clovis, California, USA

Release Date  - 4th April 2023

Welcome to the Mind Sensei podcast, where we explore the minds of the most remarkable individuals on the planet.  
I’m your  host Peter Tas and  Today, we have a very special guest, close friend, Mentor and personal Instructor,
9th degree Kenpo master who has dedicated his life to the study and practice of martial arts.
He's the founder of the GLKenpo Karate organization, hailing from Clovis, California. He's none other than Graham Lelliott. Graham's journey in martial arts began in the 1970s, when he started training in Kenpo Karate based out of  the Jersey Islands UK and then directly under the tutelage of the legendary Senior Grandmaster Edmund Parker, the founder of American  Kenpo and father of American Karate. 
Mr Parker's influence had a profound impact on Graham, as he learned not only the physical techniques of Kenpo but also the principles, concepts, Theories  and philosophy behind it. Over the years, Graham's dedication has led him to be a first generation student of Senior Grand Master Ed Parker and had continued to train and teach under Parker's guidance until his passing in 1990, and has since carried on his legacy as a respected and accomplished Kenpo Karate practitioner and teacher. Graham  is affectionately nicknamed the “Gov” by his students, as he  is known for his human connection that has not only brought together students from all around the world into the GL Kenpo fold but also runs one of the largest Biannual  international Kenpo training camps of the Kenpo Who’s who that's held in wonder valley California. In this episode, we'll delve into Graham's journey in Kenpo Karate, from his early days as a student to his lineage and his involvement with Grandmaster Edmund Parker to his current role as a renowned martial arts instructor and founder of the GLKenpo Karate organization.  So, sit back, relax, and get ready to learn from one of the most insightful and inspiring martial artists of our time.

visit our website for more information : ⁠https://mindsensei.au⁠

Visit Mr Graham Lelliots Website at : ⁠https://glkenpo.com⁠

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Episode 2

Episode 2 - 7th Deg Snr Professor Pete Valdez

Kenpo Karate,The Dojo Valdez Kenpo, Madiera, California, USA.

Release Date   14th April 2023

Episode 2 - Mind Sensei Podcast Interview with Sensei Pete Valdez - 7th Deg Kenpo Senior Professor - The Dojo Valdez 

First, a big thank you! for tuning in  and welcome to the Mind Sensei podcast, where we explore the minds of the most remarkable individuals on the planet. 
Today's guest is no exception, as we welcome Sensei Pete Valdez, a highly regarded martial arts instructor and founder of The DOJO Valdez in Madera, California.
I’m your  host Peter Tas and Today's episode is a special one as we are joined by a senior professor of the arts, Sensei Pete Valdez. With over 40 years of experience in martial arts, Sensei Pete is not only a skilled practitioner, but also a respected teacher and mentor to countless students.
As a 7th degree KENPO Karate Senior Professor, Sensei Pete Valdez  has dedicated his life to mastering the art of martial arts and helping others achieve their full potential. 
At the Dojo Valdez, he leads his team to focus on not only physical training but also developing mental and emotional strength.  Sensei Pete's holistic approach to martial arts has earned him a reputation as a true sensei, or master teacher, who embodies the principles of respect, honor, and compassion. In this episode, we'll delve deep into Sensei Pete's journey as a martial artist, the philosophy behind his teaching style, and how his approach to martial arts helps individuals lead more fulfilling and empowered life. 

Whether you're a martial arts enthusiast or simply curious about the mind-body connection, you won't want to miss this enlightening conversation with Sensei Pete Valdez, a 7th degree KENPO Karate Senior Professor.So, sit back, relax, and get ready to learn from another one of the most insightful and inspiring martial artists of our time.

Visit our Website for more information at


Sensei Pete Valdez Contact Information:

Website:    https://www.valdezdojo.net/

The Dojo/Valdez Karate & Fitness
1600 Howard Plaza Madera, California 93637  
Dojo Phone: ⁠+1 559.674.3656⁠

Contact Email: valdezdojo@mac.com

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Episode 3

Episode 3 - 10th Deg Senior Master Richard 'Huk' Planas

Kenpo Karate, Madiera, California, USA

 Release Date : 18th April 2023

First, a big thank you! for tuning in  and welcome to the Mind Sensei podcast, where we explore the minds of the most remarkable individuals on the planet.I’m your  host Peter Tas and Today's episode is a special one as we are joined by a true master of the arts, Guru Richard Huk Planas. With over Six decades of experience in martial arts, Richard is a highly respected figure in the world of Martial Arts     10th  degree Kenpo Senior Master of the Arts who has dedicated his life to the study and practice of martial arts.     As someone who has trained with some of the greatest martial artists, including Ed Parker, Guru Planas has a wealth of knowledge in the American Kenpo system.Furthermore, Senior Master Richard Huk Planas is often referred to as the "instructors' instructor" for his exceptional ability to impart his knowledge and refine the skills of fellow martial arts instructors. In fact, he held the prestigious position of Quality Control Manager appointed by Ed Parker himself, where he traveled extensively from school to school, spreading the teachings of American Kenpo and ensuring its high standards were maintained.His expertise in Kenpo, combined with his deep understanding of the mind's role in martial arts, has made him a sought-after mentor and advisor to countless martial arts practitioners worldwide. His unique insights and practical approach to training have helped shape the lives and skills of many martial artists, making him a true living legend in the martial arts community.We are honored to have Senior Master Richard Huk Planas join us on the Mind Sensei Podcast to share his wisdom, knowledge, and experiences. Get ready to be enlightened by his profound insights into the power of the mind in martial arts, as we explore the fascinating intersection of mental and physical disciplines.Throughout this episode, we will be diving deep into his journey  in becoming a martial artist. We will also discuss his life and journey in his Martial arts career.Whether you are a practitioner of martial arts or simply interested in the mindset required for success in any field, this episode is sure to provide you with valuable insights from one of the best. So, let's dive into the world of martial arts with Richard Planas!So, sit back, relax, and get ready to learn from another one of the most insightful and inspiring martial artists of our time.

Huk Hunter Movie - George Montgomery Movie


Huk Michael and the jesters - Screwdriver 1965 - Huk’s Song he Composed on Youtube


Guru Planas Website


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Episode 4

Episode 4 - Master & Founder  Ed Parker  

Paxtial Arts,  Sumter, Oregon, USA

(2 Part Interview)

Episode 4a  - Release Date : 26th April 2023

Episode 4b   - Release Date : 2nd May 2023

Welcome to the Mind Sensei Podcast! In today's episode, we have the privilege of featuring a martial arts master who has redefined the concept of self-defense - Ed Parker Junior, the founder of Paxtial Arts.

Paxtial Arts is a unique system that goes beyond traditional martial arts, incorporating non-lethal alternatives to address real-world situations where using excessive force may not be necessary or appropriate.
Ed Parker Junior's innovative approach focuses on developing mental awareness, emotional intelligence, and strategic thinking alongside physical techniques, making it a holistic system that empowers individuals both mentally and physically. In this episode, we will explore how Paxtial Arts challenges traditional notions of self-defense, promotes non-violent conflict resolution, and equips practitioners with the tools to protect themselves and others in a responsible and mindful manner.

So, get ready to delve into the world of Paxtial Arts with the visionary founder, Ed Parker Junior, as we uncover the mind-body connection and the power of non-lethal alternatives on the Mind Sensei Podcast! In addition to his expertise in martial arts and self-defense, Ed Parker Junior is also an exceptional world renowned artist in both digital and physical media.

He has received widespread recognition for his artistic talents, having created works that have been featured in galleries, museums, and are hanging people walls at home, his artwork was a great inspiration in the martial arts industry from Movie Posters, Book Covers, Portraits and Certificates. 

Ed Parker artistic background has also influenced his approach to martial arts, as he incorporates creativity and self-expression into his training methods.  Moreover, as the son of the founder of American Kenpo, Ed Parker Senior, Ed Parker Junior has inherited a legacy of excellence in martial arts. He has continued to build upon his father's teachings, evolving the American Kenpo system into the innovative Paxtial Arts that it is today.

Through his commitment to martial arts and his exceptional skills as an artist, Ed Parker Junior has become a distinguished figure in the martial arts world, inspiring practitioners worldwide to elevate their training and embrace the mind-body connection.

So, get ready to be inspired by the multifaceted talents of Ed Parker Junior on the Mind Sensei Podcast!

ED PARKERS PAXTIAL ARTS : https://www.paxtialarts.com/

ED & Baer Parkers Art: https://www.edandbaerparkerart.com/

Check out our episodes as we interview some of the most prominent Martial Artists on the planet 🌎 

Visit our website at:  https://mindsensei.au/

Follow us on Spotify and subscribe so you don’t miss an episode 
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Apple podcasts:    Https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/mind-sensei-podcast/id1680342485 

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Episode 5

Episode 5 - 9th Deg Master Marty Zaninovich

Kenpo Karate,  Z's  KENPO, California, USA

(2 Part Interview)

Episode 5a  - Release Date : 9th May 2023

Episode 5b  - Release Date : 16th May 2023

Ladies and gentlemen,

First, a big thank you! for tuning in  and welcome to the Mind Sensei podcast, where we explore the minds of the most remarkable individuals on the planet.   I’m your  host Peter Tas and  Today, we have a very special guest, friend and Mentor.                    

9th Degree Kenpo master who has dedicated his life to the study and practice of martial arts. He's is also a Certified Instructor in the Filipino Martial Arts, Jun Fan Gung Fu/JKD and Silat, hailing from California, USA, He's none other than Marty  Zaninovich ,
Affectionately known as “Sifu Z

Sifu Z shares his passion with others by leading them and instructing the Kenpo System in a spirited, energized way while blending in cutting-edge Filipino and Other Arts to enhance the mind-body-and-spirit experience. 

Sifu Z’s  martial arts beginning was in the exploration of wrestling and Judo at the early age of 13, but his passion for and commitment to the arts ignited shortly after when he enrolled in a small Kenpo Karate Dojo in Central California under Mr. Steve LaBounty and Mr. David Jimenez. From that point forward he went on to study with Mr. Richard “Huk” Planas, Guro Ed Planas and Guro Dan Inosanto.

Sifu Zaninovich has competed nationally and internationally; sponsored several prestigious tournaments and events, owned several Karate Schools in California, and established various clubs in Arizona. He also travels throughout the United States and Internationally to share the Arts. 

In 2003 Sifu Z was inducted into the Martial Arts hall of Fame as “Master Instructor of the Year” 

Today, he currently holds a 9th degree black belt in Ed Parker’s Kenpo Karate under Mr. Richard “Huk” Planas, and is a Certified Instructor in the Filipino Martial Arts, Jun Fan Gung Fu/JKD and Silat, under Guro Dan Inosanto and is renowned for his knowledge and instruction in blending these arts and training in weapons. 

When It comes to the real deal, Sifu Z is known as the weapons instructors -  instructor  In this episode, we'll delve into Sifu Z’s  journey into the arts, from his early days as a student to his lineage and his influences and mentors including his involvement with current day martial arts. 

So, sit back, relax, and get ready to learn from another one of the most insightful and inspiring martial artists of our time.

Check out our episodes as we interview some of the most prominent Martial Artists on the planet 🌎  

Visit our website at:  ⁠Https://mindsensei.au⁠ 

You can find Sifu Z on Facebook or Instagram Under "Marty Zaninovich

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This where you will find all our latest  Mind Sensei Podcast episodes